About us


Founded in 2011, AOU Consulting Pty Ltd operates as a registered Australian company. The company’s Managing Director is a Registered Migration Agent (MARN: 1789815)  and a Licenced Estate Agent, underscoring our specialization in Australian migration and education consulting services. Over the years, we have provided top-tier migration and education consulting services to clients from various backgrounds.

Company vision

Our educational vision is dedicated to supporting international students who aspire to pursue further education in Australia. At present, our main emphasis lies in providing Australian education opportunities to international students who are still residing in their home countries (offshore) and who have already arrived in Australia (onshore).

Our migration vision is to provide professional assistance to clients who intend to stay in Australia temporarily or permanently. Our high-quality services start from the preliminary assessment stage right through to the clients’ successful settlement in Australia.

Our long-term goal is to provide the ‘One-Stop-Shop’ to students, migrants, and business clients. This platform will provide a streamlined and efficient process for addressing their education, migration and investment requirements with the utmost diligence.

Our services

Our key education services include:       

  • Interview and counsel students to help them choose appropriate courses and education providers.
  • Apply for Letter of Offers and Confirmation of Enrolments on students’ behalf.
  • Help students apply for Australian visas, advise them of relevant requirements and visa conditions.
  • Coordinate payment of fees, OSHC, etc., for students.
  • Assist students in accommodation arrangements.
  • Provide ongoing liaison between education providers, students and parents.
  • Arrange guardianship for international students under 18, if necessary.
  • Arrange tours for prospective students and parents to visit education providers’ campus.

Our key migration services include:

  • Design and tailor the best migration pathway with detailed procedures.
  • Step-by-step assistance for visa documents preparation and other application materials.
  • Liaise with business partners, assessment authorities, etc., for clients’ applications.
  • Paper and electronic visa lodgements to the Department of Home Affairs (DHA).
  • Communication with visa officers for clients’ visa applications.


Clients of our migration services are advised to refer to the Code of Conduct for relevant regulatons on Registered Migration Agents (MARN: 1789815)


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